Training Overseas

By ‘training overseas’ we mean training at a drop zone that is not Affiliated to British Skydiving. Please note however that the Cyprus Parachute Centre is Affiliated to British Skydiving and carry out training within the British Skydiving system.The following applies to training taken at overseas non-affiliated drop zones.

Arrangements for the integration of training taken outside the British Skydiving system

  1. British Skydiving recognises only courses of training offered under the requirements of the British Skydiving Operations Manual  by those holding an appropriate Instructor rating where such training is at, or using the facilities of, an Affiliated Parachute Training Organisation (PTO).
  2. It is important to recognise that even where a British Skydiving Instructor runs a course outside the UK at or in association with a non-affiliated training organisation, this does not guarantee recognition of the course at a British Skydiving Affiliated PTO, because non-affiliated bodies do not operate under the requirements of the British Skydiving Operations Manual.
  3. There is therefore no set British Skydiving UK national accreditation or credit transfer system to recognise courses and training, for example overseas, that are not run under the requirements of the British Skydiving Operations Manual.
  4. However, parachutists jumping at British Skydiving Affiliated PTOs who were trained, or jump outside the British Skydiving system, ie overseas, may be integrated into the appropriate Category / Level / Grade as deemed suitable by the Chief Instructor (CI) at a British Skydiving Affiliated PTO.

British Skydiving therefore recommends that jumpers who are considering training outside the British Skydiving system should discuss their plans with the CI of their chosen British Skydiving Affiliated PTO before they make arrangements to train outside the British Skydiving system. This should help to ensure that the jumper finds a British Skydiving PTO that will be prepared to integrate them with the British Skydiving system in the appropriate Category / Level / Grade, and thereby avoid any possible disappointment.

Training Overseas